2001 Isuzu RODEO SPORT S 2.2L HARD TOPState: | Illinois |
City: | Chicago |
Address: | 6321 N LaSalle St |
Zip code: | 60654 |
Make: | Isuzu |
Model: | Rodeo Sport |
Body type: | Pickup / Truck |
Year: | 2001 |
Mileage: | 142637 |
Interior color: | Gray |
Exterior color: | Silver |
Transmission: | Automatic |
Engine: | L4, 2.2L; DOHC 16V |
Trim Level: | S |
Body Type: | 2 Door Wagon; Short Wheelbase |
Manufacturer: | American Isuzu Motors Inc. |
Production Seq. Number: | 322088 |
Fuel Type: | Gasoline |
Engine Code: | D |
Drive Line Type: | RWD |
Vehicle Type: | Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV) |
Vehicle Class: | Small MPV |
Brake System: | Hydraulic |
Restraint System: | Active Belts; Dual Air Bag |
Country: | UNITED STATES |
Assy. Plant: | Lafayette, In |
GVWR Class: | Class C: 4,001-5,000 lb |
Tonnage: | 1/4 |
Check Digit: | X |
MPG: | A4:15-20-17/M5:17-21-18 |
AAIA: | 2186/150538 |
AAIA_ENGINE: | 2959 |
AAIA_LEGACY: | 1373521 |
AAIA_TRANSMISSION: | 366/581/1489 |
Type: | Car |
Series: | 1/4 Ton |
AAIA_VehicleID: | 2186/2186/2186 |
AAIA_EngineConfigID: | 2959/2959/2959 |
AAIA_TransmissionID: | 1489/366/581 |
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: | 30/30/30 |
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: | 9/9/9 |
AAIA_DriveTypeID: | 7/7/7 |
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: | 4/4/4 |
Has removeable hardtop with sunroof. It has some light scratches and scuffs,a piece of molding is missing from below left taillight. In rest it is a worthy car in all respects.