2012 Kia OPTIMA LX

2012 Kia OPTIMA LX

$ 11,000 00

3612 views Condition: Used
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State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: Manheim Orlando
Zip code: 12222
Make: Kia
Model: Optima
Body type: Sedan
Year: 2012
Mileage: 35565
Interior color: Beige
Exterior color: Bordeaux
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: L4, 2.4L
Trim Level: LX
Body Type: 4 Door Sedan
Manufacturer: Kia Motor Manufacturing, Georgia
Production Seq. Number: 087872
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Engine Code: 7
Drive Line Type: FWD
Vehicle Type: Passenger Car
Vehicle Class: Mid-size Car
Restraint System: Dual Air Bag; Side Air Bag
Assy. Plant: Georgia
Check Digit: 5
MPG: A6:24-35-28/M6:24-35-28
AAIA: 191455/191456
AAIA_ENGINE: 13814/13813
AAIA_LEGACY: 1502891
Type: Car
AAIA_VehicleID: 191455/191455
AAIA_EngineConfigID: 13814/13814
AAIA_TransmissionID: 2974/3084
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: 1/1
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: 6/6
AAIA_DriveTypeID: 5/5
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: 1/1

The vehicle is waiting for your bids in a very nice condition, with a clean interior and a shining exterior. Technically there are no problems, drives and runs well. Learn more about this Kia by mail if you like it.